0086-371-8709 1886


Room 605.Unit 1.Building 4. No.39 Huayuan Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.

What is drum mobile concrete mixer?



Drum concrete mixer belongs to self-falling type concrete mixer. Drum concrete mixer is movable, commonly used and easy operation. Drum concrete mixer belongs to civil type concrete mixer. JZM series of friction drum concrete mixer and JZC series concrete mixer are all drum concrete mixer. In addition, JZD diesel drum concrete mixer is also one kind of drum concrete mixer. There are some special requirements to drum concrete mixer to lengthen the service life of drum concrete mixer.

JZC concrete mixer

Operations notices:
1. Check the drum mobile concrete mixer before each operation to ensure each component is at normal working conditions.
2. Keep drum concrete mixer clean. Clean up mobile concrete mixer drum after using it.
3. Keep electrical parts of drum concrete mixer away water, high temperature, shaking. After using drum mobile concrete mixer, cut off the electric source.


Tel: 0086-371-8709-1886   E-mail: concrete.sales@zzbona.com

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